Whittlesea grant funding continues to roll out 

The Whittlesea Chinese Association, a recipient of the grants. (Supplied)

In the latest round of funding through the Whittlesea council’s community grants program, more than $170,000 in community grants have been allocated to community groups, sporting groups, businesses and individuals.

The program offers grants to support our community in delivering programs, activities and events.

This quarter also included grants to support businesses through the business relocation and growth program and shopfront improvement grants, as well as grants to support female inclusion in sport.

The Doreen baby boomers seniors group received a grant through the community grants program to support them in delivering a Biggest Morning Tea event for their group.

The group’s founder Christine said, “We are really grateful to have received the grant – it helped us subsidise the cost of the event, allowing us to put on a bigger and better event than in previous years, and fundraise vital funds for the Cancer Council”.

Council’s chair administrator Lydia Wilson said the program, which is still in its first year, has provided more than $600,000 in funding this financial year. 

“We are so proud to be able to support our community to deliver important activities and events that bring people together,” Ms Wilson said.

“Importantly, this quarter, we also allocated funding to supporting businesses wanting to relocate or expand within the City of Whittlesea or who wanted to upgrade their shopfronts, promoting investment in our municipality and business growth to support a thriving economy.

“In this quarter, we provided 39 grants, including to 10 local sporting groups as part of the Female Inclusion in Sports Grant, supporting clubs to increase female participation in their sport, whether that be through subsidised fees or uniforms, or through player development and upskilling coaching staff.”

Applications for the next round of grants for medium and large groups are currently open and close on June 30.

The council assesses applications for small and individual grants on a monthly basis.

Details at www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au/grants