Do it all at the shed

(Front L-R) president Bruce Tripptree and vice president A.J. Magaton with some members. (Damjan Janevski) 398139_01

Members of the Craigieburn Men’s Shed is urging everyone to come in and see what they’re all about, breaking down stigmas one meal cooked or plant planted at a time.

Gearing up for a huge rest of the year, president Bruce Tiptree said that joining a men’s shed is one the best things a man can do.

“Don’t sit at home and do nothing, it’s just really bad for your mental health,” he said.

“Come and have a visit and sit and talk to the guys, get involved in the workshops and help the community which in turn gives people motivation.

“You just need to be willing to get involved.”

Mr Tiptree recounted a story of a long-time member joining the club, and said it should spur others on to do the same.

“We had one guy who used to walk past the shed, he thought you had to be qualified in something,” he said.

“One day he just came in and had a look around. He has been at the shed now for four years and is on the committee and very involved in the shed.

“No experience is needed.”

The men’s shed runs a wide range of different programs including watch and jewellery repairs, a metal workshop, gardening, woodworking, cooking, and a council run computer class.

Throughout the week, anywhere from 15 to 45 members stroll into the shed for activities, but Mr Tiptree said they are always looking for more members.

“The best part is you help the community and have a purpose being involved with a great group of guys… it’s really like a second family,” he said.

The doors are open for all from 9am to 2pm from Tuesday to Thursday, and 10am to 2pm on Mondays and Fridays.

Gerald Lynch