Anzac spirit

Zachary Melvaine, Year 10, outside Mill Park Secondary College with his SOAP. (Damjan Janevski) 377139_01

A student from Mill Park Secondary College has been named one of 12 Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize (SOAP) recipients.

The annual competition opens to students in Years 9 to 12, and gives winners the opportunity to travel to Türkiye to retrace the steps of the Anzacs.

SOAP connects young Victorians with the legend of Anzac, which was born on the beaches of Gallipoli, Türkiye on April 25, 1915, and grew to symbolise the courage and sacrifice of Australian service women and men.

Zachary Melvaine, Year 10 can’t wait to be a part of the program.

“I am most excited about visiting the historical sites in Türkiye, particularly Anzac Cove in Gallipoli, retracing the steps of the Anzac’s allowing me to deepen my connection and understanding of what the ANZAC spirit truly means,” he said.

“It was an extremely rewarding moment to find out I was named a receipt of this prestigious award, one that I am immensely proud and grateful of.”

College principal Tim Natoli said he was extremely proud of Zachary and that he is more than deserving of the honour.

“As a school we are constantly talking with our students about the importance of representing the school and its values in the right way, and it is so pleasing when students such as Zach are rewarded for doing exactly that,” he said.

“As a leader at the college, he has already made a significant contribution to the life of the school; his experiences as part of the Spirit of Anzac Prize will make that contribution even richer.

Gerald Lynch