A new clean taskforce

2023 Hume council Clean Up Australia Day (Katrina Ferguson).

Zoe Moffatt

Hume councillor Jim Overend will lead a newly appointed 15 person Hume Clean Taskforce, armed to address litter and illegal dumping related issues.

Council voted to accept the nominees at a meeting on Monday, October 9, and extended Cr Overend’s role as the chairperson to October 2024.

Sunbury resident Paul Gration has lived in the area for more than 13 years, and said litter is a real problem for the community.

“[Litter and illegally dumped rubbish] is a huge issue but not just in Hume,” he said.

“The main reason is our population growth and construction. You can’t just sit back and complain that involvement is needed from everyone at all levels.

“I hope that the taskforce can assist and be of benefit to council in reducing and resolving this huge problem for Hume.”

Cr Overend said it was great to see there are 15 residents wanting to participate in the taskforce, which represents a cross section of the Hume community.

“We’ve been fighting this constantly, trying to stop the ongoing rubbish situation [and] illegally dumped rubbish,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to the 15, plus myself, putting our heads together… we can come up with some great ideas to help.”

The taskforce will focus on reducing litter and illegal dumping, raising awareness, increasing uptake of available waste services and achieving council’s waste reduction and resource recovery targets.

Members’ areas of interest include climate change, landcare, resource recovery, environmental education and clean up events.

Speaking at the meeting, Cr Jarrod Bell thanked everyone who put their hand up to take part and add their voices to the taskforce.

“I don’t think there’s a day that goes by that I and I’m sure other councillors don’t hear complaints and grumbles and concerns from residents regarding dumped rubbish,“ Cr Bell said.

“It’s great to see people… being active citizens in their community and stepping up and facing these challenges.“

Council will conduct a further review of the Hume Clean Taskforce in August 2024, and the initial membership period will end in October 2024.

Taskforce members include; Sahar Ageed, Gagandeep Mangat, Gary Drake, Nadia Montalto, Tony Hill, Joseph Alderuccio, Colton Nascimento, Mohammad Talha Vahora, Jonathan Collins Leon, Ty Jackson, Ibne Farabi, Joanne Williams, Sarah Flegg and Jan Dodemaide.