Navigating the aged care system with confidence

Resident Hazel (on right) with Suzie, recently enjoying Heritage Epping’s 5 th birthday party celebration.

Transitioning a loved one into aged care can be a difficult time for everyone involved. At Heritage Care, we know it can be daunting so we’re here to help.

We acknowledge that the ageing journey is different for every individual, however there are often signs that sneak up on families highlighting the need to transition to professional care. By being informed about caregiving choices and staying flexible goes a long way to making better decisions about your loved one’s care.

Many families are unprepared for challenging events that commonly occur as people age and hasten the need for residential care.

Take Hazel’s story for example.

“I was living a typical life as a senior until one day I experienced a bowel obstruction. It landed me in intensive care for three days and I lost the ability to walk properly. Suddenly I needed around the clock care and support” Hazel explained.

While residential aged care did not immediately come to Hazel’s mind, with help from her children, she weighed up her options and agreed to experience a short stay at Heritage Epping. She has never looked back.

“You can still live a great life in a residential aged care home. The support here allows you to live freely without the burden of fear. Everyone is nice and you will feel welcomed and loved.”

Michelle, the loving daughter of another member of the Heritage Care family, shares these words of advice “If you’re unsure about whether it’s time to find a place for your parent in a residential aged care home, know that you’re not alone. Ask for help and arrange professional care if your gut is telling you things are not right. Recognise the situation for what it is and embrace the next chapter of care.”

“Get to know the aged care system, talk with the staff, understand what residential aged care can provide. Your loved one can greatly benefit and live a life of happiness and joy when family forms a partnership of

care with providers.”

To book a free, non-obligatory meeting with a Heritage Care team member, visit