Lindsay finds a new home and a new community

Mr Lindsay Kelly. (supplied)

Mr Lindsay Kelly moved into one of Estia Health homes through the respite short term program.

His wife Joy is already a resident and he had been making a daily trip to see her. Sadly, after a nasty fall he found himself in hospital. When released, it was suggested he didn’t go straight home but instead book some short-term respite care. Naturally, he chose where his wife was residing.

At 94, Mr Kelly was already in a self-care unit and unfortunately finding this difficult to manage, so he decided that he loved living at Estia Health so much that he would stay.

So, what does he have to say about his new home?

“The staff are marvelous, so caring and considerate, the food here is good too, there is a good variety, plenty of it, it’s homely and more than we need! Plus, there is entertainment, singing if you want it, walks and games. The organisation is great and what’s nice for me is that there are quite a few chaps here and I spend a bit of time with them, which is good. I also get to spend more time with my wife. It’s just incredible,” Mr Kelly said.

So, what is his favourite part of the day?

“Well, it’s knowing that I can go out if I want too and that before I do, I am up, fed and dressed without any effort on my part. I am so well taken care of, if I would like to go for a short walk to the shops or just a general walk, I’m not exhausted before I go. My wife absolutely loves having me here too and we spend a lot of time together again, we have been married for 64 years and we don’t like being apart.”