Six tips to help you care for someone with a disability


If you care for someone with a disability, it’s important to prioritise looking after yourself as well. Here are 6 tips to help ease some of the pressure:

1) Are you eligible for payments?

As a carer, you may be eligible for carer payments. Explore for more information. Additionally, the person you care for may also be able to get a Disability Support Pension. Find out at

2) Make an emergency care plan

An emergency care plan has all the information about the person you care for in one place. It makes it easy for someone to take over from you in a hurry, or if you need to talk with a health care professional. Find out how to create one at

3) Learn how to deal with challenging behaviours

Some people with a disability can have challenging behaviours, such as aggression or violence. Find out how to prevent or manage these behaviours at

4) Managing incontinence

Some people with a disability are incontinent, meaning they can’t hold in urine or faeces. Learn how to manage incontinence at, plus get additional support buying incontinence products at

5) Get help around the home

If your care role leaves you less time to do jobs around the house, you might need extra help at home. There are many services that can help you, from providing meals to cleaning and making home repairs. Find out more at

6) Need some respite care?

Respite care is when someone else looks after the person you care for while you have a break. If you need time to do everyday activities, deal with stress or look after yourself, visit

You may care for someone by yourself, but you’re not alone – it’s okay to ask for support. Simply visit today or call 1800 422 737.