Volunteers the key to community driving


Gerald Lynch

Community Accessability is seeking volunteer drivers in the City of Whittlesea and City of Hume areas who are willing to get involved to help support the evolving transport needs of our vulnerable community members.

Community Accessability’s transport service is a volunteer-supported community service. They are committed to providing transport support to older people, people living with disabilities, and those who have difficulties accessing other forms of transport.

Jan Hay, Volunteer Coordinator for Community Accessability Inc. spoke to the importance of volunteers.

“Volunteers play a vital role at Community Accessability, and we are always in need of caring, compassionate volunteers to help carry out our mission,” she said.

Volunteering for Community Accessability is easy and flexible, all you need is a valid driver’s licence.

This service depends heavily on volunteers who want to be a part of a very social volunteering opportunity and those who enjoy driving.

“I get much pleasure, and I am always filled with gratitude because I get to help people and give back to my community. I also like that it’s easy to volunteer, and we have a volunteer coordinator to go to for anything we need”, says Elaine, Community Accessability Volunteer Driver.

“The Community Accessibility transport services would not be possible without the incredible dedication of our volunteers. We would not have the wonderful opportunities and programs for the greater community if it were not for them. Our volunteers are what makes it all work”.