Entries still open for smart phone movie makers

Kerry Peter filming with his phone. (Damjan Janevski) 344985_01

Phone-friendly film directors still have time to enter their films in 2023’s Smartfone Flick Fest (SF3) until August 1.

The Aussie-born international film fest for movies entirely filmed on a smartphone or tablet is open to filmmakers of all ages.

Kerry Peter is a Craigieburn entrant, who directed, produced and filmed ‘Don’t Go There’, as a university project back in 2021. Mr Peter, 23, studied an advanced diploma of filmmaking at Swinburne University.

‘Don’t Go There’ was not Peter’s first short film as he recalls making many throughout his school days where he was vice-captain of the videography club.

In this film he discovers themes of depression, and cycles of negative thinking. As he said, it’s reminiscent of the pandemic.

“Feeling really flat and not motivated… I felt that way and I think a lot of people did,” he said.

Peter said he wasn’t well versed in filming using only his iPad but said he enjoyed the challenge.

“It’s always exciting to see what you can achieve with the limitations you have,” he said.

SF3 gives filmmakers from Australia and across the world the chance to snag a share in $50,000 worth of prizes and 35 awards across five categories.

Categories include the SF3 feature films, SF3 Gala Awards open for short films up to 20 minutes, SF3 Kids for young people 16 and under, SF3 Mini for films up to 3 minutes with a theme of ‘Up’ and SF360 for films in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and 360 degree genres.

Last year’s festival attracted over 300 films and festival director Angela Blake expects even more this year.

“It’s an exciting time for creativity. There truly are no limitations, no borders. Never before has story-telling on the big screen been more relevant, affordable… and accessible,” she said.

Finals will take place November 18 and 19 18-19 November at the Actors Centre Australia and online.

Details: www.sf3.com.au