Fords flock to Broadmeadows

Ready to roar at the old manufacturing site (Bec McCarthy)

Car lovers flocked to Broadmeadows on Saturday 24 June to celebrate the 50th year anniversary of the media release of the notorious Ford Landau.

Eighteen Landaus and LTDs and their owners met up at the old manufacturing site on Sydney Road.

Event organiser John Tsatsakis said event represented the biggest collection of Landaus or LTDs in the one spot at the one time.

“We had people come from Queensland, New South Wales, Canberra and one couple actually flew over from New Zealand just to come see the cars,” Mr Tsatsakis said.

Mr Tsatsakis has only owned a Landau for three years and instantly fell in love with the car and the community, as he quickly became appointed to organising the meet ups.

“They’re called the land yacht, [it’s] a complete luxury version of anything Ford had at the time,” he said.

The group only usually meets on milestone events, however Mr Tsatsakis said this needs to change.

“Due to the success I think, I’m probably gonna look at making it twice a year,” he said.

“Obviously being the 50th anniversary a lot more people made the effort.

“Everyone had a great time, everyone can’t wait for the next one.”

Harper Sercombe