Chaldean group receives women’s grassroot grant

An Australian Chaldean Family Welfare women's session taking place. (Supplied) 342374_01

Harper Sercombe

Epping’s Australian Chaldean Family Welfare (ACFW) organisation has received a $4,995 grant through the state government’s investing in women’s grassroots program.

Established in 2016, ACFW works with the Chaldean and Assyrian communities in the northern suburbs to help them settle in Australia as new arrivals.

ACFW president Dalal Sleiman says this grant will help them continue the impactful work they do throughout the community.

Throughout Covid the organisation provided essential support for their community. Assisting people financially, through food packages and in general well being support.

“We were translating information on a daily basis. When the government changed their messaging for compliance, lockdowns, masks, vaccines etc, we would relay this information to our community,” Ms Sleiman said.

“We produced videos informing our community about different topics, such as, children’s vaccinations, pregnant women, ordinary people and the importance of getting vaccinated.”

However, it is the work is doing with women in their community which has been recognised through the grants program.

“We are trying to educate women to become leaders within the community and help their families,” she said.

“Women are not given the same opportunity [as men] due to the family dynamic.

“We thought it’s really important for us to support them… to become equal to men.”

To help support and educate women within the community the group runs weekly informative sessions. The money from the grant will assist this through venue hire, catering, the use of translators if needed and through training organisations.

As a part of the grant ACFW will also consult three women’s health groups to share knowledge and ideas for improving women’s health within their community.

“We are working with women on a weekly basis. We are giving them an opportunity to socialise with women from the same culture and educate them at the same time,” she said.