Epping RSL makes sustainable upgrade

Epping RSL with their new solar panels.

Harper Sercombe

Epping’s RSL has received funding to install cost saving solar panels.

The state government announced in mid0May local RSL’s could receive up to $50,000 for a range of projects and developments.

Epping RSL treasurer and secretary Phil Creek said the panels will not only help the centre but the local community.

“Money saved is more funds available to support local schools, community groups, sporting clubs as well as our core clientele of currently serving defence members and veterans and their families,” he said.

“The vast majority of RSLs have no real income. They are just a band of volunteers in a borrowed room somewhere trying their best to make do with money from selling badges.

“Many smaller RSLs would really struggle without these types of grants to fund necessary activities and equipment. Funding from grants that larger RSLs like Epping receive enables us to also support these smaller RSLs.”

The RSL was already committed to making a more sustainable future, with the government funding landing at just the right time.

“We had already decided to install solar panels and had arranged a quote, and this round of grants fortuitously incorporated proposals for that purpose,” he said.

“[We want] to do our bit towards creating a cleaner environment.

“We will use considerably less power from the grid by creating our own solar energy. Every little bit helps.”