Feedback for potential Mickleham Road upgrade

Major Road Projects Victoria is seeking feedback on a potential stage two upgrade for Mickleham Road. (Supplied)

Hannah Hammoud

Residents and businesses are being invited to help shape a potential future stage two Mickleham Road Upgrade between Dellamore Boulevard and Craigieburn Road, Yuroke.   

From April 24 until May 14, Major Road Projects Victoria is seeking feedback from residents and local businesses to help inform planning of the potential future upgrade, which would help reduce travel times, improve safety, and cater for population growth and increased vehicle movements. 

Major Road Projects Victoria Director for Project Development, Michael McClean said that they want to hear from local people who use this section of the road

“… We want to know how you travel through the area, any concerns you have and what we should consider in our planning to help ensure the potential future upgrade delivers the best outcome for the community,” he said.

The information will be used to better understand how the community and local businesses currently use Mickleham Road between Dellamore Boulevard and Craigieburn Road, with views sought on safety, traffic flow and what should be considered during the planning process.  

The project team will also be available in person during community pop-up sessions at Greenvale Shopping Centre on Thursday, May 4 from 4-6pm and again at Craigieburn Central, near Woolworths, on Saturday, May 6 from 10am-12pm.

Planning work is underway to gather a complete picture of the area, understand the environmental and social impacts of the project, develop design options, and confirm the scope and costs of different options.

Roadside technical investigations began work in March and are expected to be complete later this year.

Feedback will build on community input received in 2022 to inform planning for stage one of the Mickleham Road Upgrade, between Somerton Road and Dellamore Boulevard, which is currently in construction.
