My Place

Mill Park Custody Officer Supervisor, Asif Shamim. (Supplied)

Whittlesea Police Service Area celebrated Harmony Day with 15 members of the multicultural community as they broke bread and shared a meal prepared by local members of police who were born outside of Australia. Asif Shamim is one of these police members who shares his story of how he came to Australia and what led him to join Victoria Police.

Where were you born and what prompted you to come to Australia?

I was born in Abu Dhabi and moved to Australia. Australian society is friendly so I felt protected and welcomed. Australia is a diverse society that accepts people who come from different cultures and ethnicities.

How old were you when you moved to Australia, how did you find the transition?

I was 20 years old when I migrated to Australia. The transition was smooth, I was accepted in Australian society and never felt like I was a stranger.

Whittlesea Police Service Area hosted Harmony Day with local members of police who were born outside of Australia, what is the importance of Harmony Day to you?

It is a rewarding experience and provides opportunities to connect with others and make a positive impact.

Which station do you work from, and how long have you been in the police force?

Currently I am working at Mill Park Police station and I have been in the police force for the last seven years.

What made you want to join, how did you become involved?

Before joining Victoria Police, I was working in Correctional Facility for a long time when Victoria Police introduced the Police Custody Officer role. That role suited my skills to join the Victoria Police as I always enjoy helping other people. Victoria Police gave me the opportunity to enhance my skills and provide an excellent work environment to upskill myself, which I am still enjoying till this day.

What do you enjoy most about being part of the Whittlesea community?

I love the sense of community and the fact that there are so many people who are willing to help.

How long do you see yourself being part of the police force?

I will be looking for opportunities to expand my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal.