Full-time average earning increases

Average weekly ordinary time earnings for full-time adults, such as those in Hume and Whittlesea, was $1808 in November 2022, according to new seasonally adjusted figures released March 23 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

“The recent annual increase in full-time average earnings of 3.4 per cent, or $59 per week, is the highest it has been since May 2020, when low paid jobs were particularly impacted during the lockdowns early in the pandemic,” ABS head of labour statistics Bjorn Jarvis said.

“Prior to the pandemic, the last time it increased by more than that during a year, was in May 2013, when it increased by 5.3 per cent.

“The rise in average earnings reflects strong wage growth, particularly in skilled occupations, including in industries such as Mining and Professional, scientific and technical services.”

The ABS said the increase in average weekly earnings, which is a compositional measure of earnings, was similar to the wage growth seen in the ABS’ Wage Price Index, released yesterday, which rose by 3.3 per cent over the year.

Over the six months leading to November 2022, the average weekly ordinary time earnings for full-time adults grew at a stronger rate in the private sector (2.4 per cent) than in the public sector (1.4 per cent).

However, the public sector remained higher paid on average at $1,965 compared with $1,768 in the private sector.

Average weekly earnings, along with employee earnings and hours, provides insights into the gender pay gap. The six key ABS gender pay gap measures can be found in the ABS gender indicators on the ABS website, along with a useful gender pay gap guide.

“The most commonly cited gender pay gap measure, the gap in average weekly ordinary full-time earnings, fell to its lowest level on record, down to 13.3 per cent. While this had fluctuated through the first two years of the pandemic, in November 2022 it was 0.6 percentage points below its pre-pandemic level of 13.9 per cent in November 2019,” Mr Jarvis said.

Average weekly ordinary time earnings for full-time workers continued to be highest in the Australian Capital Territory ($2,014) and Western Australia ($1,988) and remained lowest in Tasmania ($1,586) and South Australia ($1,657).

Workers in the mining industry remained the highest paid on average, at $2,812 per week for full-time employees, followed by those in Information media and telecommunications, at $2,271, and Financial and insurance services ($2,201).

The lowest paid full-time workers on average were in the Accommodation and food services ($1,294) and Other services ($1,333) industries.