Record number of First Nations people enrolling to vote

With more First Nations people across the country enrolled to vote, advocates are encouraging all those voting in the referendum to seek out information and “be informed” before heading to the polls.

New data from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) shows an additional 21,000 Indigenous Australians enrolled to vote between the end of June 2022 to the end December 2022. The national estimated Indigenous enrolment rate increased by 2.8 per cent and now sits at 84.5 per cent.

The increase in enrolment concedes with growing discussions on the upcoming referendum – so where does this leave the community?

Whittlesea Community Connections chief executive Alex Haynes said the not-for profit community organisation will seek to provide accessible information to help inform people and give them choice when it comes to voting in the referendum.

“We will be working to ensure people understand what a referendum is – many in our area will not have participated in one before,” she said.

“The beauty of a referendum is everyone gets the same opportunity to influence a collective and critical decision – it’s not based on how loud your voice is or your income or your position.

“We will also make information relating to the Voice to Parliament, the final Referendum question and the information shared by the First Nations Referendum Working Group and the Engagement Group available in different languages and formats to ensure people across our community have access to it to inform their decision.”

Elected Member of First Peoples Assembly of Victoria and Gunditjmara woman Tracey Evans acknowledged the diversity of views within the community.

“The diversity of views exist also amongst our community and so it should as we are unique and there are many clans and nations,” she said.

“The community is yet to know what this all means for us our people and our future. It requires proper community engagement, dedicated information flow to our grass roots. Our people do not understand what is happening with the Voice.

“My message to my people and community is be informed, be curious and ask all the difficult questions of the process and what its all about. Its your future and my future at stake here.”