Crime rates drop in Hume and Whittlesea

Millicent Spencer

Whittlesea’s rate fell by 15 per cent in the 12 months to September, while Hume recorded a six per cent decline, latest crime statistics data reveals.

According to the Crime Statistics Agency, 12,199 offences were recorded in Whittlesea in the year to September, down from 14,360 offences in the previous year.

Whittlesea Inspector Chris Allen said it was pleasing to see a decrease in crime across the area.

“Our uniform police in Whittlesea have been committed over the last 12 months in preventing, responding and holding people to account who commit crime in our area,” he said.

“Our priority is keeping the community safe and that is what we will continue to focus on.”

Inspector Allen said the drop in offences can be attributed to the proactive work conducted by police officers and investigators.

“We are also supported by a very proactive criminal investigation unit who make sure that those who commit serious and violent crime are arrested and brought before the courts,” he said.

“Rostering resources at the right time, using intelligence and smart tasking have all contributed to keeping Whittlesea a safe place to live and work.

“We are expecting gradual increases as we move further away from the pandemic but police will be working hard to keep crime as low as possible.”

In Hume, 17,770 offences were recorded, down from 18,869 offences in the 12 months to September 2021.

Despite Hume’s overall crime rate drop, Broadmeadows experienced a 6 per cent increase in crime in 2022 compared to the same period in 2021.

Increases were in property and deception offences, and justice procedures offences.

Hume Inspector Dean Clinton said the increase in Broadmeadows can be attributed to the transition out of COVID.

“We find these crimes do fluctuate, and as we have transitioned out of COVID, we are seeing property offences increase, as more people are out and about,” he said.