Hume resident of the month Keith Notley has a passion for parks

When Hume resident of the month Keith Notley began raising a family in Meadow Heights more than 30 years ago, it was a suburb bursting with young families and children running around on the street.

Mr Notley is adamant that the “family feeling” can be kept by restoring the area’s parks, now surrounded by houses, roads and buildings.

“I’m helping restore the remnant parklands to what they used to be, so people can actually see what our area used to look like before we were stuck in houses and roads.”

Mr Notley, who is “chuffed” to have been crowned resident of the month, was nominated by Hume councillor Helen Patsikathedorou for his work at Broadmeadows Valley Park and his presidency of the Broadmeadows Dog Obedience Club.

About 25 years ago, Mr Notley and his pet attended their first dog obedience session, and for the past 20 years he’s been helping other dog owners train their pets.

“When I got my first big dog, I realised that to be responsible, I first needed myself trained,” he said.

“Owners will see me walking with my dog and they go, ‘Woah, I want to do that’.

“But it doesn’t happen in five minutes – people need to have patience.”

Mr Notley hopes the community will continue maintaining and appreciating the park, which serves as “a great escape”.

“Visitors to our area really appreciate the value of our park and we should help maintain it. I’m trying to look after it. I clean it up, get rid of weeds and rubbish,” he said.