Little Athletics: Whittlesea notches up Plate success

For Whittlesea Little Athletics Centre the results of the inaugural Whittlesea City Plate last Saturday meant the event was a success from the outset.

The Plate, a handicap event pitting the fastest runners in different age group against each other in separate boys’ and girls’ 100-metre sprints, saw some of the youngest competitors take out the titles.

The two races involved competitors from the centre’s six clubs.

The centre’s Narelle Cullen said the girls’ race was a thriller.

“In a blanket finish, 0.7 seconds separated all 10 runners,” she said.

“Jessica Razmovska, of Mill Park/South Morang, took the plate from Jade Mclay [Metro] and Isla Hasouras [Northern Stars].

“Her winning time was 13.43 seconds, only 0.02 ahead of second and 0.04 ahead of third.”

Nathaniel Audino (Mill Park/South Morang) won the boys’ race in 11.74 seconds, ahead of Danny Rigby (Epping) and Metro’s Tobenna Obani.

Cullen said the Plate would become a regular fixture in the opening week of the season.

“For the younger runners to take on and beat the older kids they look up to is amazing,” Cullen said. “We’ve had a real positive response to the race, which gets the whole centre involved as everyone has an interest in each of the races.”

The centre has 420 athletes registered for this season.

“We promote fun and fitness, and it’s about trying to get personal bests in the running and track and field events,” Cullen said. “Some kids are good in some events and not so much in others. It’s about encouraging them to try everything.”