New alliance to end youth homelessness


A coalition of peak bodies, youth services, homelessness and housing organisations, health, legal and family services has written to both major state party leaders to call for them to support a plan to end youth homelessness.

A statement from the Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) said more than 60 signatories backed the plan, urging for whoever wins government to commit to building 5000 new social housing properties for young people over the next four years, as well as delivering a new youth homelessness strategy.

CHP chief executive Jenny Smith said no young person should be homeless in Victoria, and by building social housing and providing the support young people need, this could become a reality.

“The [coalition of signatories] all see that for young people who can’t live safely at home, the lack of housing and support is preventing too many from achieving their goals,” she said.

According to the CHP, one in six people seeking homelessness assistance last year was aged between 15 and 24.

“Last year, 17,743 people in that age group sought assistance from Victoria’s specialist homelessness services – 12,845 of them presented alone, unaccompanied by parents,” CHP said.

“In Victoria, only 541 transitional and 66 long-term properties are designated for young people. In 2021, just 238 public housing properties from the general stock had a young person as the lead tenant.”

Ms Smith said young people were becoming trapped in homelessness because Victoria doesn’t have sufficient resourcing or a joined-up system to prevent and respond to youth homelessness.

“Victoria’s last youth homelessness plan – delivered in 2006 – is older than some of the young people today who desperately need help,” she said.

“The massive gap between the amount of young people seeking help and social housing designated for young people is now a crisis. The combination of support tailored to young people and the medium to long-term housing solutions provided by social dwellings is essential to tackling this issue.

“Without a home, young people can be in increasing danger from violence, sexual exploitation, and abuse, which can compound previous traumas.

“Not only does youth homelessness cause significant harm to the individuals who experience it, but it results in enormous long-term costs to the government.”

CHP said the joint letter was also sent to Housing Minister Danny Pearson, Greens leader Samantha Ratnam, and Opposition Housing spokesperson Richard Riordan.

“CHP’s 2022 Victorian election platform makes 27 recommendations for the next state government including 6,000 new social housing properties each year for a decade,” CHP said.