Campaign calls for healthy canteen choices


DPV Health is calling for the community to add its voice to calls for school canteens to offer more healthy food and drink options.

The not-for-profit organisation has joined forces with Vic Health, Nutrition Australia, Dental Services Victoria and Obesity Policy Coalition to urge schools and the community to urge the state government to improve the food and drink options for children in government schools.

DPV Health is asking people to sign an online statement and become part of a letter to the education minister requesting a change in Victoria’s canteens, healthy eating and other food services policy.

DPV Health said the Department of Education and Training has the ability to mandate that canteens provide healthier food and drink options,

“DPV Health work closely with schools in our community to identify and address a range of project areas, The Healthy Schools for Healthy Futures campaign is an initiative of great importance to everyone here at DPV Health as we want to see all children living happy and healthy lives.” DPV Health chief executive Don Tidbury said.

Nutrition Australis Vic chief executive Lucinda Hancock said DPV Health’s initiative follows on from similar campaigns in New South Wales and Western Australia.

“DPV Health’s Healthy Schools for Healthy Futures initiative … sets an important precedent of supporting our children and their education by providing them with the food and drink options they need to perform their best,” she said.
