$250 payment for every Victorian household

Photo by Melissa Walker Horn /Unsplash

All Victorian households, including those in Hume and Whittlesea, will receive a one-off $250 payment from July this year simply by comparing energy provider deals on Victoria’s Energy Compare website.

The payments are part of the Victorian government’s Power Saving Bonus, designed to help alleviate the rising cost of living across the state.

The Victorian Energy Compare website is free and can help residents save hundreds of dollars on their energy bills.

The quickest way to submit an application for the bonus will be through the website and Victorians who do not have access to a computer or the internet can call the Victorian Energy Compare helpline or receive support from community outreach partners.

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews said the bonus was a great opportunity for Victorians to save money, ease the cost of living and cut their energy bills.

“Big power companies rely on people not having the time, information or knowledge to save money. But we know better deals are out there and we’re helping Victorian families find them.”