Stephanie O’Connor was preparing for the delivery of her first child four years ago, when she found out she had a rare genetic heart condition- Long QT syndrome.
The news got worse for Stephanie when she found out the condition could be passed on to her children as well.
After 38 weeks, Stephanie gave birth to Aubrey and was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for cardiac monitoring, while her baby was taken to the neonatal ward.
“This distance sounds small, but it was huge at the time. I was hooked onto so many devices and wasn’t able to walk around, and all I wanted was to see my baby. The team from both wards went above and beyond to ensure I could see my child, at least for a brief moment,” Stephanie said.
She spent ten days in ICU, while her baby was monitored at Northern Hospital’s neonatal ward, as her ECGs showed signs of the same condition.
A few weeks later, Aubrey’s tests showed she had inherited the same rare genetic heart condition as her mother.
“Having a baby is a happiest time in someone’s life – and I remember thinking, not only did I just discover I had a rare and serious condition, but I have given it to my baby as well,” she said.
Stephanie went on to have a second daughter Ivy, and is now pregnant with her third. Ivy’s genetics test came back negative.
After the whole ordeal, the former call centre manager decided to reconsider her career.
She now works in the Nursing Workforce Unit at Northern Hospital in Epping and is in her second year of studies.
“Nursing is something I’ve always considered, but never actually thought I would go for. After the fantastic experience I had and all the people that I met at Northern Hospital, especially the ICU nurses, I realised I should take the plunge and just go for it,” Stephanie said.