More construction is set to begin as part of the Childs Road upgrade by Major Roads Victoria.
Plans are in place to start upgrading Bowman Drive at Childs Road by widening the road and building an extra turning lane.
Drivers will then have a designated left and right turning lane to access Childs Road from Bowman Drive.
Traffic lights will later be installed at the intersection.
Starting from Tuesday, April 19 to Saturday, April 30 between 7am and 6pm, traffic will be reduced to one lane at the Bowman Drive intersection.
From Monday, May 2 access to and from Childs Road to Bowman Drive will be temporarily closed for two weeks.
During the closure, vehicles including bus services, will need to detour via Woolnough Drive, Henderson Road and Dalton Road to access Childs Road. However, walking and cyclist access will be maintained.
Bus services will be slightly impacted from Monday, May 2 whilst Bowman Drive is closed.
Bus stops will remain open, and a shuttle service will temporarily operate between Epping Station and Bowman Drive/Woolnough Drive/Henderson Road/Cooper Street on an hourly loop in both directions.
Darebin Creek trail will remain closed at around 500m north of the Childs Road bridge until Wednesday, May 18. Childs Road can be accessed via Narina Way and Bowman Drive.
A small section of the Hendersons Road drain trail and Darebin Creek trail, nearest to Hawkes Drive and Bowman Drive, will remain closed until later this year.
Details: construction update- Childs Road Upgrade&utm_content=April construction update- Childs Road Upgrade+CID_4f6c9008a9f032f87084a1f5b9b13cd0&utm_source=mrpv_edm&utm_term=Childs Road Upgrade.