Students broadcast school news

Marymede Catholic College students Jarryd, Nuwin, Jarnai and Samuel. (Damjan Janevski) 236488_01

Michaela Meade

This was one of Star Weekly’s top stories of 2021. Here’s your chance to read it if you missed it, or revisit it before another year of jam-packed news content.

The students at Marymede Catholic College are producing high quality news broadcasts for their peers.

Beginning with a pilot episode at the end of 2020, the Marymede news team has delivered fortnightly reports, broadcast online to the school community.

Head of visual arts Jeremy Guzman said the idea came from the 2021 student leaders who approached him with the proposal for the program.

“[The] pilot episode… received positive feedback, so we made a commitment to producing and distributing a new episode every fortnight,” Mr Guzman said.

“It has been terrific seeing students connect through their passion for media and collaborate with one another in a professional setting that simulates a television studio environment.

“As students gain more experience and build up their production skills, they will be able to mentor future students who join the program.“

Year 9 student Alex said he enjoyed using equipment he never had before.

“I am having an amazing and exciting experience that I will never forget,” Alex said.

“As well as this I have also interviewed media personality, Brian Taylor, and have been able to experience what it’s like to produce news content.”

Year 9 student Daniel said he enjoyed getting involved and planning the news reports.

“I enjoy making segments, helping behind the scenes with the lights and camera, and the whole production of the news program,” he said.

Year 12 student Jarryd said it was satisfying to see his peers watching the program.

“I think that it is important to establish our Marymede News program in the community as a recurring platform that students and staff engage with because it is not only fun and enjoyable but also a good way to connect the school community and keep people informed,” he said.

“I expect that in the future, a recurring Marymede News program will be an interesting time capsule to look back on, as the school evolves and new faces come and go.”