Dallas man charged with illegal deer hunting


Michaela Meade

A Dallas man is among seven people to be charged on summons following a three-night police operation to detect deer hunters illegally spotlighting.

Police said Mansfield and Jamieson officers led overnight patrols in a number of illegal spotlighting hotspots between Thursday, November 11, and Saturday, November 13.

During the operation, officers apprehended seven people who they allege were committing numerous offences against the Firearms Act, including; prohibited person possessing a firearm; possessing a loaded firearm in a public place; failing to store a Category A or B longarm correctly; storing a firearm or ammunition in an insecure manner; possessing a spotlight and firearm in recognised deer habitat.

Police said a number of other charges are likely to be laid in relation to offences against various wildlife game regulations.

A 51-year-old Dallas man was among the seven people expected to be charged on summons.

Police said officers seized six firearms, seven spotlights and ammunition during the operation.

Six of the seven people charged have had their firearms licences suspended while the seventh person was unlicenced, according to police.

Mansfield Acting Senior Sergeant Geoff Hutchison said the operation, which took place during “horrible” weather, was worth it to apprehend the seven hunters.

“Illegal spotlighting is not only against the law, it is dangerous, unethical and reduces recreational hunting opportunities for law-abiding hunters,” he said.

“We will continue to collaborate with our partner agencies, share intelligence, and act on reports from the local community to crack down on illegal hunting practices, and protect the community.

“Hunters should be reminded that illegal hunting activity is likely to result in immediate suspension of firearms licences, seizure of firearms, and the facing of charges.”

Anyone with information about illegal spotlighting is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.