Michaela Meade
Hume council is offering support grants for local organisations impacted by metro Melbourne’s recent COVID-19 lockdown.
The lockdown, which lasted a fortnight, forced many businesses to close as the city fought to get on top of the latest outbreak of the virus.
Mayor Joseph Haweil said: “Council has an important role in continuing to support the community through the pandemic and in recovery.
“Council will support local not-for-profit organisations to meet evolving community needs brought about by COVID-19.
“Not only will this grant support existing service providers and organisations to continue the valuable work that they do, but it will also ensure residents receive the support they need during this time, including food parcels and vouchers, toiletries and access to health services.
“The COVID-19 Community Support Fund is part of Council’s COVID-19 Recovery and Reactivation Plan, which aims to support the community to reconnect, aid in social recovery, and accelerate economic recovery of businesses, employment, and local investment.”
There are two funding streams available – health services, and food relief and essential services – and full eligibility requirements are available on the council website.
If a group meets all of the listed criteria, it is able to apply for both grants.
Expressions of interest are open until 5pm on Friday, June 25.
Details: hume.vic.gov.au/support-fund or email communitygrants@hume.vic.gov.au