Fire readiness must start now

Summer’s fire season has kicked off earlier than usual, prompting warnings for Northern residents to get prepared.

During Fire Action Week, which concludes on November 23, Victorian emergency services will promote fire awareness messages through events, while CFA brigades across the state will open their doors to the public to discuss local risk and how to get prepared.

Forecasts show those who live near bush or grassland on the edge of Melbourne are at above-average risk of fire this summer.

To identify risk and to talk to your household about what action to take
if a fire starts nearby consider the following:

RESIDENTS who live on a fenceline next to grassland where a grassfire starts need to move one to two streets away as quickly as possible.

DON’T wait to receive a warning before moving away from a grassfire. Avoid driving in a grass fire because it will be smoky and difficult to see and traffic
jams and accidents are likely.

DON’T try to get closer to grassfire.
You’ll endanger yourself and others.

CFA brigades recommend that all Northern residents clear weeds and remove firewood and rubbish from
around their property.

In February thousands were evacuated from parts of Victoria including the Mickleham Road Complex where a grassfire burned out of control for a number of days threatening Kilmore, Wallan and Craigieburn.

Those who live near bush could be at serious risk of fire or ember attack on severe, extreme and code red days.

Residents should talk to their households about when to leave and where to go in the threat of fire, so it’s easier to get out before a fire happens.

Remember, leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family.

Leaving late means driving through smoke, fallen trees and powerlines and facing the risk of being trapped – or worse.

Details: or Victorian Bushfire Information Line
1800 240 667.

Those with hearing or speech impairment, contact Victorian Bushfire Information Line via the National Relay Service 1800 555 677.