Whittlesea: Cancer victim starts support group for sufferers

A Whittlesea resident and former radio host has started a local cancer support group.

Raymond Phillips is battling three different types of cancer but is more worried about his friends and other cancer sufferers who lack the support they need.

“I’m still able to do everything I need to do in a day, but maybe there are people who are having difficulties with their situation and need this sort of crutch to lean on.”

He thought a social network would do the trick and asked the Whittlesea Community Network crew whether they could facilitate such a group.

WCN manager Barbara Ireland said the network was thrilled with the idea and set the wheels in motion to organise the group’s inaugural meeting, which is 11.30am on Wednesday at the Whittlesea Township Community House in Church Street.

“I hope I’m not overstating the reason for the group, but it’s for people who need it, and I suppose these types of groups might give them that extra strength they need mentally,” Mr Phillips said.

The 70-year-old former regional radio host of 25 years said many mature-age men didn’t pay enough attention to their health.

“People must walk around with their heads in a portable sand hole,” he said.

“It’s about awareness. People need to realise that they should be seeing their doctor every 12 months.”

For more details, call 9716 3361.