Police holiday blitz nabs 416 speeding drivers in Hume, Whittlesea

More than 200 unregistered vehicles were detected on roads in Hume and Whittlesea during Victoria Police’s holiday road blitz.

The 52-day Summer Stay campaign combined four operations targeting drink and drug driving, distraction and seatbelt offences, speeding and fatigue.

Provisional results for the Hume police service area show speeding is still of concern, with 302 speeding offences issued, compared to 114 in Whittlesea.

Police caught 126 drivers in unregistered vehicles in Whittlesea and 78 in Hume. There were 23 people driving without a licence in Hume and 36 in Whittlesea.

No one was found driving under the influence of drugs in Hume, but five drug-drivers were caught in Whittlesea.

Forty-one people were busted using their mobile phone while driving in Whittlesea, and 16 were caught in Hume.

Of the 522 drivers caught flouting the law in Hume, five per cent were drink drivers. In Whittlesea, eight per cent of the 462 drivers tested were over 0.05.

Across Victoria, police intercepted 27,651 speeding drivers, 2553 drink-drivers and 816 drug-drivers.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill said there was still far too much risk-taking on the roads.

“If everyone stays alert, sober and within the speed limit then we will take a major step towards our goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on the road,” he said.