Campbellfield fatal shooting: Three questioned by police

Detectives investigating a fatal shooting in Campbellfield last Thursday have not been able to establish whether there was a connection between the victim and the offender, or why the victim was in the area at the time.

Police and Ambulance Victoria were called to the scene in Merri Concourse at 6.20am on Thursday after nearby workers heard gunfire and called triple-0.

A man in his mid-30s was found dead in a pool of blood in a factory driveway.

Detective Sergeant Shane O’Connell, of the homicide squad, said the dead man had gunshot wounds to his chest.

“It’s a tragic set of circumstances,” he said. “He didn’t work at any of these factories.”

But while the victim, whose name had not been released by the time Star Weekly went to press, did not work in the area, he was known socially to people who worked at nearby factories.

The shooting took place in an industrial pocket that has been linked to various motorcycle gangs but detectives were quick to play down links to bikies.

No weapons have been recovered and police were unable to provide a description of the perpetrator.

Detectives were talking to a group of people who were in the area “socialising” at the time of the shooting.

One man was taken away in handcuffs in an unmarked police car.

Half an hour later, another man and a woman were taken from the scene. But police said no arrests had been made.

A staff member from a nearby business, who declined to give her name, said the incident had hampered business.

“Our trucks aren’t allowed into the street,” she said.

“Our suppliers are screaming for our containers. We had three trucks booked for this morning, but we’ve had to cancel them.”

Another company in the street, Imajpak, closed for business for the day.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.