Whittlesea McDonald’s gets council green light to trade all hours

Whittlesea McDonald’s has the go-ahead to trade 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

Despite two objections, Whittlesea councillors voted unanimously last week to amend the fast food restaurant’s permit to extend its trading hours.

The Plenty Road McDonald’s first applied to the council to trade 24/7 in November 2011. It was knocked back in favour of more restrictive trading hours, from 6am until midnight, Sunday to Thursday, and from 6am until 1am on Fridays and Saturdays.

Two objections to the latest application were received citing “adverse amenity” impacts and the negative social impact of the McDonald’s restaurant.

However Whittlesea councillors voted to approve the restaurant’s permit amendment without debate.

Councillor Rex Griffen, who confesses to be fond of a soft serve cone every now and then, said he had no issue with McDonald’s wanting extended trading hours.

“I know when you go up to Whittlesea at night time, most of the shops close at 7pm and, if you want a coffee to keep you awake, you either go to Whittlesea Bowls Club or to McDonald’s.” Cr Griffen also highlighted the employment opportunities extended trading hours would bring.

“A lot of people who have been against it in the past have since asked for sponsorship,” he said.

“They not only employ more than 100 people but they sponsor local clubs. And I’d rather kids hang around there than at pubs.”

In his report, planning and major projects director Steve O’Brien recommended approving the application because of the local employment opportunities extended trading hours would bring and the restaurant’s location in an industrial zone.

Councillor Sam Alessi also strongly backed the change because he said it would provide a place for young people to meet at night.

“There’s not much happening in the township overnight. Young people can go and sit down and have a coffee instead of perhaps hooning around the street,” he said.

McDonald’s was contacted for comment.