Crime stats on the slide

Crime is on the decline in Whittlesea and Hume, led by a significant decrease in the number of break-ins and burglaries, latest crime data shows.

September quarter data from the Crime Statistics Agency revealed that both Whittlesea and Hume recorded a 17 per cent drop in burglaries between September 2016 and September this year.

In Whittlesea, there were 1554 burglaries between July and September this year compared to 1877 during the same period last year. In Hume, 2076 burglaries were recorded, compared in 2306 in September, 2016.

Whittlesea Inspector Andrew Falconer said the latest crime data was good news for residents.

Inspector Falconer said police understood that burglary was the crime that worried residents the most.

“We have had a focus on those offenders who are repeat offenders and that is now paying off,” he said.

“We have been holding them to account.

“We’re working harder than ever before to put recidivist burglars before the courts.”

Inspector Falconer warned people not to be complacent about security over summer.

“I want to remind people coming into the warmer months not to leave windows and doors open and valuables lying around,” he said.

“We still have a significant number of burglaries where people are walking in through an open door.”

According to the latest data, overall crime fell 2.5 per cent in Whittlesea.

In Hume, offences fell 11 per cent.

Both municipalities recorded drops in theft and drug offences, with robberies also on the decline in Hume.

Hume recorded a slight drop in family violence offences, with reports down 1.8 per cent from September 2016, while offences were up just 0.2 per cent in Whittlesea.

Inspector Falconer said Whittlesea police will launch a targeted response team in January, which will focus on number plate thefts.

Police data shows that thefts of number plates spiked in January each year.