Public meeting security concerns

Transition auditors reviewing Sunbury’s separation from Hume have been urged to ensure security guards are present at a public meeting later this month.

The call comes after the previous public meeting on the controversial subject led to fiery disputes between members of the public and a probe into the alleged misbehaviour of Sunbury-based councillors Jack Medcraft and Jack Ogilvie.

The pair, who fronted two investigations, have complained that they were “ambushed” by agitators waving placards at last September’s meeting at Broadmeadows Town Hall. Fellow councillor Ann Potter has also said that people sought to intimidate her at the heated meeting.

Cr Medcraft last week said a strong security presence was needed to prevent a repeat of what happened last year.

Sunbury Residents Association president Bernie O’Farrell said the auditors should at least consider security requirements ahead of the meeting in Sunbury on July 24.

“Given what occurred a few months ago, you’ve perhaps got to take that into account.”

Sunbury Community Progress Association president Alison Cunningham said she did not believe security would be

In a statement, transition auditors John Watson and Frank Vincent said they did not expect a security or police presence would be needed.

The meeting is at Sunbury Memorial Hall from 7pm on July 24.