Hume draft budget an investment in the future

Hume council

Hume mayor Drew Jessop has promised that the council’s draft budget will deliver projects that will benefit the community in the future, as the municipality prepares for an influx of 50,000 new residents over the next decade.

The draft 2017-18 budget was adopted by councillors last week and proposes to spend a record $79 million on capital works.

Rates will rise two per cent in keeping with the state government cap on local rate increases.

Cr Jessop said the budget reflected the “biggest investment ever” in the future of the city.

“Council is motivated by a commitment to make the lives of our community better and in 2017-18 we will do this by investing in integral community services, local roads for new and existing areas, community centres, leisure, parks and reserves,” he said.

“In all, this is the largest ever spend on infrastructure in Hume.”

Included in the capital works budget is $10.7 million to begin the redevelopment of the Broadmeadows Town Hall.

The $23.3 million project will redevelop the town hall into a community space and business hub, with a large multi-purpose hall, meeting rooms and conference facilities.

The project is expected to be finished in 2019.

The budget also includes $4.6 million for the new Aitken Hill Community Centre at Craigieburn and $1.2 million for a social facility at Lakeside Drive Reserve in Roxburgh Park.

More than $2.2 million has been set aside to implement the master plans for Willowbrook, Greenvale and D.S. Aitken recreation reserves.

Cr Jessop said the council would also spend $400,000 on its indented parking in narrow streets program, which aimed to address parking problems in residential streets across the city.

“This doubles the commitment [to the program] which is indicative of the new council coming in and saying ‘we think this is something we can do more on’. It’s a good news aspect,” he said.

Residents can have their say on the budget until Wednesday, June 7.
