American farmer Joel Salatin visits Whittlesea

Self-described “Christian-libertarian-environmentalist-capitalist-lunatic” American farmer Joel Salatin has gained the sort of notoriety in agriculture circles Kim Kardashian has in popular culture.

Time magazine has hailed the Virginian “beyond organic” farmer as the potential saviour of American food.

The perennially smiling, cowboy hat-wearing farmer, who featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary Food, Inc., will be in Whittlesea this week to talk farming skills, how to make the most of your land and sustainability.

At the Whittlesea Showgrounds administration building on Sunday, he will discuss positive aspects of farming and its potential to generate revenue.

Whittlesea council agribusiness officer Annemaree Docking, who was a guest at one of Mr Salatin’s master classes earlier this year, labelled the alternative farmer “a visionary”.

“He’s passionate about farming – ‘beyond organic’ methods, succession planning, marketing, business development and team building,” she said.

On Sunday, Mr Salatin will address fears of not having enough knowledge, labour or money; how to acquire land; developing a market and a business; and the fear of being optimistic.

The talk is on April 19 from 5.30-9pm. Admission is $30. To book call 9217 2593.