Sunbury ice session to help parents

Parents and health workers will get help to ‘‘demystify’’ use of crystal methylamphetamine (ice) at a Sunbury session next week.

The free event will include talks from a drug and alcohol treatment expert and education agency ReGen and two local health workers.

A Sunbury Community Health spokeswoman said the session would give people a better understanding of ice, its short and long-term effects and treatment options, including detox services.

She encouraged parents of teenagers and young adults to attend.

‘‘One of the things we’re really targeting is giving parents that information, so that they can know what to look for.’’

The spokeswoman said the information session was organised in response to increasing concerns about ice and its affects in the community.

‘‘We probably receive one or two new inquiries every week, from parents or from a user,’’ she said.

In March, Sergeant John Letchford said ice was a ‘‘hideous’’ drug that was ruining local lives.

He said its use was widespread and had a flow-on effect to assaults, burglaries and other crime.

‘‘We’re coming across it more and more,’’ Sergeant Letchford said.

The session is on Wednesday, June 3, 12-28 Macedon Street, Sunbury, 6pm.

Details: 9744 4455 or