Chats from the heart

There’s always a place at Sue Taylor’s house on Christmas Day for people without family.

So it was no surprise when 103-year-old Trudy was a guest at Ms Taylor’s Christmas lunch four years ago.

The pair’s friendship bloomed at Villa Maria retirement home in Bundoora, where Trudy lives and Ms Taylor volunteers three times each week. She’s been a friend, mentor and aid for Villa Maria residents for 11 years and will be recognised as part of National Volunteer Week for her time, effort and compassion.

A lunch will also be held on Tuesday to honour 24 volunteers who have visited the Bundoora aged-care home for anywhere between five and 35 years.

The not-for-profit centre relies on more than 340 volunteers to provide residents with friendship and help in administration and fundraising.

Ms Taylor has built some strong relationships over the years.

“I find volunteering really enriching,” she says. “My philosophy is to give back – that’s what the world’s all about. One day I may be sitting in an aged-care facility and need someone to talk to. A five-minute chat can mean the world to some people. I don’t think we realise how much input and power we have to make a difference just with our time.”

Lexi Cottee