Pacers strong showing

Nicholas Di Grazia. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 407984_11

Tara Murray

A three week period before the King’s Birthday break has the potential to define the Whittlesea Pacers’ Big V men’s division 1 season.

The Pacers, which are in their first season back in division 1, started that period with a win against top side, the RMIT Redbacks, before facing third side Bulleen Boomers and the Redbacks again before the next break.

Pacers coach Des Radoslovic knows this period is really important for the side which is sitting second after nine rounds.

“We expect them to be in the mix with us,” he said. “We want to get head-to-head advantages, which are just as important as wins.

“Both games are like double points for us, as they’ll give us the head to head advantage against sides that are around the mark.

“We know when we play the level that we can, we’re hard to beat.”

Radoslovic said the manner that they beat the Redbacks was really pleasing for the group.

He said having lost to the Redbacks the first time the two teams played while missing a few players, they knew that if they put it together they could get the win.

“There were challenges that we confronted throughout the game, it was a real tight one,” he said.

“We jumped them a little bit and they came back and took the lead. We were able to reset and focus on our game.”

Radoslovic said he was thrilled with how young guards Chayse Pinono and Nicholas Di Grazi stepped up in the game. Main point guard Ash Bryar has been out since fracturing his ankle in round three.

Having added extra depth through the promotion of Pinono and Di Grazi from their youth league side this season, it is paying off with the absence of Bryar

“Our young guards have stepped up and have been able to take on the point guard responsibilities and played exceptionally well against Stephen Coffey, their import.

“They’ve come in and played a role and slowly they are improving.”

Off court, Radoslovic said things keep going from strength to strength.

“The stands are filling up which is great,” he said. “There’s a lot of new juniors at the club this year.

“There’s been a flow effect with support of the seniors as well. The program is getting bigger and stronger which is a positive.”