Neighbourhood house a home

Joseph banging out the tunes. (Damjan Janevski) 406269_01

Thomastown Neighbourhood House (TNH) celebrated Neighbourhood House Week with special celebrations throughout the week of May 13 to May 17.

The theme of this year’s Neighbourhood House Week was ‘Stronger Together and it celebrated the important contribution of 1000 Neighbourhood Houses in local communities all across Australia.

Local Arabic Drummer, Joseph Samarani, visited TNH’s ALL SEASONS All Abilities craft group and drummed up a storm to celebrate Neighbourhood House Week.

Participants made drums out of recycled materials and then Joseph ran a drumming circle, demonstrating the power of drumming to connect community and celebrate through rhythm.

TNH manager Liz Skitch said the week was the perfect opportunity to recognise the integral work of neighbourhood houses.

“Stronger Together is an excellent theme for NH Week 2024. TNH works to prevent social isolation and loneliness through providing opportunities for the community to connect…. We are stronger when we are brought together,” she said.

“The act of bringing people together turns into an art when underpinned by the shared experience that a paint brush, music or rhythm can bring to life. Art has the power to overcome language and cultural barriers and is an essential ingredient in our work connecting communities in Thomastown.”

Thomastown Neighbourhood House is based at the Thomastown Library and Community Centre and provides a wide range of daily wellness activities in a safe and supportive environment.