Living the good life thanks to Uniting AgeWell

Alfredo and Carmela Guzzi.(supplied)

There are some things that go together – just ask Alfredo and Carmela Guzzi.

Olive oil and love, are integral in cooking traditional Italian cuisine. Living safely and well in their Preston home, while continuing to do what they enjoy most, is possible thanks to their government-funded home care packages delivered through Uniting AgeWell.

Both Alfredo, 92 and Carmela, 90, also love pottering around their garden, listening to opera music and watching telly.

Carmela loves watchingcooking shows and tries to recreate the dishes.

“Pasta is my favourite,” she said.

“I use the herbs from our garden for the sauce.”

Alfredo, who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, does his bit on the culinary front by relishing the meals – often with a glass of red wine. He also enjoys watching documentaries, reading the newspaper and playing solitaire.

The devoted Nonna and Nonno, who moved to Australia in the early 1950’s, have been married for nearly 72 years and are close to their two daughters, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

“Life is good,” said retired tailor Alfredo.

“We’re surrounded by family and we’re living in the home we’ve loved for the last 60 years.”

Alfredo first joined Uniting AgeWell when he opted to go on an eight-week Short Term Restorative Care Program. The program aims to keep clients living well at home and out of hospital while they wait for their home care package.

During this period, Alfredo received a slew of equipment including a reclining chair, walking stick, sock-donning aid and a personal alarm.

Now that he and Carmela are both on home care packages, they get help with the house and the garden as well as physiotherapy and podiatry services. Working with their care advisor, they used their packages to install safety rails around the home and have both got electric beds. Carmela, who has back pain and arthritis, also has a recliner chair, a walker, and a few gadgets to help her in the kitchen.

“The staff are very kind,” said Carmela. “They go out of their way to help us.”

Find out more about Uniting AgeWell’s services at or contact our friendly team at 1300 783 435.